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Midterm report

AntoniaAC's picture


This class is interesting to me for multiple reasons. Firstly, the idea of identity being multifaceted and changing is something that I always been wondering. I am glad to have been randomly place into this class because I don't think I would have chosen it on my own. That aside, the class offers a safe space for dialogue on identity. 

I think my favorite part but also the most difficult part is this disscussion. For the class, there is often a very diverse response to readings but also many students aren't as eager to be the speaker. For me, as we have discussed, the problem is talking too much. I think something we all have to work on is allowing everyone the space to talk with out relying on the one's who are comfortable with it. When the class as a whole is quiet, sometimes I feel obligated to talk.

Another thing about class participation, I think the group work is good way for people to talk openly and come together. This also I think helps with understanding of the readings because in previous classes there was a varying level of understanding but no one ever wants to raise their hand and say "I don't understand." 

I think with other classmates its important to have this dialogue and to really understand from where others are coming from because the class is on identity and how this identity is part of everyone's individual story is necessary to the development of the class.

I think you, Anne, give us the support need to be open but aslo not in an overbearing lecturing way. It is helpful when you notice the mojo of the class and offer insight but also know when to stay quiet. You are much better at it than I am.

And in the future, I think we will need a little help when trying to fully understand the ecological theories. I for one have a lot to learn in this field but I am looking foward to it.