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Going to the Gardens

changing18's picture

Though it was a cold day, I had a really great time getting to know more about the various cultures in Puerto Rico.  The students giving the tour were especally great because I learned so much from them about these cultures and the gradens themselves, but also about their lives.    I did not necessarily have a favorite garden but I did like the two biggest gardens best because they had a lot of replicas of the way of life (houses/huts, masks, instruments).  The murals were really breathtaking, but to know the community came together to put it together was great. I am really glad I got to go on this tour.  I was especially captured by the girls because it reminded me so much of my own experience.  They were inner city hard-working students with many passions in life and found a program that helped them be proactive in their community.  They made me think of the reading of " The Ones Who Walked Away From Omelas" because I left home again for what many would consider a better community but does it really do me good not to be there.  Newark is known for its problems so it is not thought of as anything close to a "utopian" community but its similar because some chose to ignore the problem, many see it and don't do anything, and I feel as if I have walked away for a second time since I went to boarding school too.  The girls really looked like they were succeeding in this community despite its flaws, and I was grateful to see this.