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Memories of play

Cathyyy's picture

My childhood memory is just full of play.My parents thought play is pretty essential for a child in the process of her growing up, it helps me to become happy and healthy both mentally and phisically. When I was a child, I always had a bunch of friends around, most of them were at the same age of mine and we literally knew each other since the first day of our birth. Our families lived in a close community, which our daily pattern is to hang out in the afternoon together untill our parents called us back for dinner. After dinner, we usually were calling each other's name standing unde their windows to ask them out. I lived in two close communities like that and had two different bunch of friends like them till I moved away.  Another sort of play I associated most was to play with my own toys, but usually with one or two my besties. We were always invited to each others house and sleep over was welcomed. The last one maybe travelling. My parents took me to travel all over China every holiday, sometimes even with their business trip. Playing with people on the trip and having all those kinds of different travelling experiences are one of my most favourite memories in my life. I believe that play fostered me, in the way of making me an out-going and optimistic person.