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Final project - any ideas/contributions?

marian.bechtel's picture

Hey folks - for my final project I'm going to make my first attempt at writing a spoken word poem. I haven't totally decided on the direction I want to take it, but it will likely have something to do with the ecological ideas we've talked about, the environment, and identity (I know that's about as broad as you can get...haha). But to try and keep things "ecological" and open and connected as I create this, I wanted to open up this space for any of you to contribute ideas/words/phrases that stand out to you from this semester and I could incorporate into the poem. Also I kind of had a tentative idea to maybe include in the final recording bits of some of you saying lines or words or something - I haven't totally thought through this, but might that be something people would be interested in? Anyway, comment here if you have any ideas/suggestions!