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Discovery in Darkness

tajiboye's picture

It really is amazing how much clearer things become in the darkness.

Detail is lost, but the presence of things becomes much more apparent.

The lines and figures and spacing. No room for the distraction of lights, details, pretty colors. Just shades of gray and black. Illuminated by the two-toned sky. 

Dark blue in the southern sky. Lavender-Pink in the northern.

The labyrinth changes from a circular path to a horizontal form of hopscotch.

The satellite has a stronger presence. Protruding out.

The trees around the labyrinth. Almost like a shower curtain. Curtain of leaves. 



There's also a swing. Twig attached tied on a rope attached to a branch of a white thick tree. I never noticed.

Swinging on it makes you feel like you're flying over the grass patch below.


Amazing. The Night.