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Musings and Muses

Ariel Skye's picture

Here are some notes from my site sit last Friday (that I’m just putting up now) and my musings about ecofeminism.

Gendering the earth female and then abusing her; gendering the ocean female and dumping waste in her; what if we gendered the earth male? How would the environmental movement be different. Is female to nature as male is to culture? Women are often portrayed as “the natural”. What does that make men? The consumers? I often think about the ocean as a woman...Calypso. She is often revered for her beauty but also her fury. Why does it take anger for a woman to be heard? Do we only develop a respect for the ocean when she “turns” on us? Tidal waves, hurricanes, will her anger manifest itself in relation to pollution? Fear and beauty. Why are they so intricately linked? Can we break the mold of “nature” as something to only be feared or aesthetically valued? The natural world is much more complex than all that...