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Call for Action: Urgent Calls for Healthcare for Mumia

The Unknown's picture

On Thursday Mumia's wife Wadiya Jamal visited him. She shared with us that his weakened state CONTINUES, and she is deeply concerned that he still has not had the appropriate care and diagnosis-- and in fact has been returned to the environment that allowed his chronic but treatable conditions to nearly kill him. 

I would appreciate it if all of us could take a couple minutes of our time to support this cause by calling the numbers listed below. 

Information on the situation: 

"This is Brother Cornel West. The life of my dear brother, brilliant 
journalist, intellectual, and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, is in great 
danger. Chronic medical neglect and malpractice by prison staff led to his 
DIABETIC shock last week and continued denial of proper health care and diet 
for his life-threatening illness. Join a National Day of Action to Stop the 
Medical Execution of Mumia! Meanwhile, keep calling 
Pennsylvania officials to demand that he get treatment by specialists of his 
choosing, the correct diet, and daily visits by precious family, friends, and 
attorneys. For details on events near you and phone numbers of officials to 
call, go to , , or . " 

We demand that: 

1) Mumia’s chosen private physician has immediate regular phone access to Mumia in the infirmary. Phone access is limited in the infirmary, and Mumia and his physician need to be in conversation throughout each week. 

2) His doctor be allowed to communicate freely and regularly with the prison infirmary physicians who are currently overseeing Mumia’s care. 

3) The PA Department of Corrections (DOC) allow Mumia’s doctor to schedule an immediate Independent Medical Examination in an examination room with a table and medical instruments. 

4) The PA DOC develop a diagnostic and treatment plan adequate to understand any underlying conditions that have contributed to his current ongoing crisis, and that consultation with appropriate specialists be arranged in a timely fashion and be used to assist in this effort. 

We need a mass mobilization of calls and letters to: 

Tom Wolf, PA Governor 
508 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg PA 17120 

John Wetzel, PA Department of Corrections 
1920 Technology Pkwy, Mechanicsburg PA 17050 

John Kerestes, Superintendent- SCI Mahanoy 
570-773-2158 x8102 
Fax: 570-783-2008 
Rising out of his infirmary bed to reach out to us, Mumia recorded a commentary that night. Now we need to reach out to him. 

On Saturday from his wheelchair in the visiting room, Mumia discussed the steps necessary that both he and his outside doctors and supporters have to take for him get the care he needs. His attorney, Bret Grote of the Abolitionist Law Center, discussed the ongoing efforts to pursue immediate diagnosis and adequate treatment for his medical conditions. 

On Monday Mumia met with Suzanne Ross, again in a wheelchair, in the visiting room and only for an hour to preserve his strength. She noted that although he remained very sick, his mind was sharp and focused. 

Please know that it is your calls, faxes, emails, and letters that have literally kept Mumia with us. 

Mumia Abu-Jamal has provided to the world a body of work that is a heartbeat of resistance; brilliant and incisive. It is now our turn to take care of our brother and make sure that he has the support and treatment he needs. 

The next few weeks are crucial to making sure that he receives appropriate care. Please CONTINUE calling. Continuing rising up. Stay involved. 
Wadiya Jamal visiting Mumia last Thursday at SCI Mahanoy. 
Our Call for Support: 
Mumia's Medical Fund 

We are in the thick of the struggle to keep Mumia alive and healthy. Mumia's chosen outside doctor is reviewing his medical records while we're pushing to allow phone communication between the two; and we've spent over 100 hours of legal fees for Mumia. And we need your help to defend Mumia's right to medical and legal access now 

Join us to defend Mumia's life! Now is the time!