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Less Alone

asomeshwar's picture

There was one line in the book I felt a much stronger connection to than the rest. In the essay titled "The Village Watchman," she asks Alan how he's feeling and he responds by saying "I am very happy and very sad," and I feel like I haven't felt such emotional connection to a sentence in a while. It might just be because of where I am emotionally right now, but that feeling of extreme happiness and also extreme sorrow at the same time is such a true emotion that not enough people acknowledge exists. 

I guess it sort of validated my feelings, knowing that someone else even wrote about feeling conflicting emotions at the same time.

I’ve always found that when a specific emotion, action, or event is portrayed in a book I’m reading, I always feel better about it having happened to me because it somehow reassures me that I’m not entirely alone, even if it’s the happiest thing in the world.