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Genre: Writing from Photographs

asomeshwar's picture

I’m not entirely sure where I want to go with this idea, but I’d like to recreate some form of photography gallery/exhibition. It would probably entail me taking photographs and writing something connected to each photograph. I want the photographs to demonstrate how humans are ecologically intertwined with different aspects of the world. The writing wouldn’t necessarily be describing what is seen in the photograph (because that can be up for interpretation), but I haven’t yet decided on the exact form of writing I will use (which genre, I mean). I was considering allowing each photograph to be followed by a paragraph (or something of equivalent length) that is different from the other. So maybe having one be a poem written in free verse, another be an extract from someone’s journal and yet another be written as though it were an extract from an autobiography (I would ensure, however, that the number of words I ended up with was equal to what is expected - it would just take a different format and not necessarily flow in terms of paragraphs). Everything is incredibly vague, even in my head, and I may very well change my idea entirely because I’m not sure if this “stretches the boundaries” either too much or not enough.