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Cold Sunflower Seeds

asomeshwar's picture

You opened your mouth to let it in. "Be careful," I told you, "Don't fall." You shrugged and continued climbing. "Watch your step," I told you, "It's wet." You told me to stop pestering. You said that it didn't matter that the rain was cold against your bare back. That you probably could have dressed better for the weather and just because it was warm in the afternoon didn't mean it would stay warm forever. But that it didn't matter. You said you loved the way the rain fell from the sky and hit the ground. And how it reminded you of that one time you flipped a bowl of sunflower seeds onto your lap. You said you love the rain. You said it makes you happy. You said, "I know most people feel sad and alone in the rain, but it reminds me that the earth and sky are doing their thing, and that we're just visitors."

You slipped. I laughed.

You looked up at the sky and smiled.

Each droplet made you happier, and the happiness kept coming.