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Land and Sea

AquamarineAura's picture


tank top and shorts

bare feet

messy wet hair

warm skin


my comfort space

filled with sand

sometimes mud

always close to earth


just feet from the concrete

not far from a shower

but those are out of sight


my mind is in this place

drifting and soaking it in

remembering to finally breathe

deep calm washing through me


my inner fish needs this


i need the ocean waves

even when i can’t touch them


I need the dirt and trees

even if i’m hiding on a porch


just that split second

running through the rain

across the sands

it recharges me


((I struggle to just leave my poem with no explanation so I am going to at least leave captions for the above images.

top left: a mountain hike in the forest near Blue Creek, Belize

top right: off one of the Keys near Twin Keys and Carrie Bow Key, Belize

bottom left: momma/baby dolphin off of Crystal Cove Beach, California

bottom right: old name tree in Morris Woods, Bryn Mawr))