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Comfort in Knowing

asomeshwar's picture

If seven months ago someone were to have shown me this map of Bryn Mawr's campus, the thought of finding comfort in it would have never crossed my mind. For some reason, more than the maps that are around campus (with little sketches of each building), I find comfort in this bird's eye view map more. It might be because as a kid I used to spend time looking at my entire town through Google Earth, and then figuring out exactly which building was where in relation to the next (from the map), or it might just be my ability to zoom in and out and see it as clearly as I choose to. 

I find comfort in knowing exactly which building is which, and how long it actually takes me to get from one to another. I find comfort in knowing how the path is set and where the hills are. I find comfort in knowing which route will cause me to encounter more people and which route will allow me a more solitary walk. I find comfort in being able to look at this map and recall all those things from my experiences.