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Visualization of BMC

Persistence's picture

The visualization of the campus I put up on January 30 was a picture I took over the summer of 2013 of Bryn Mawr’s athletic fields. The words: experience, interrelationship, home, green, comfort, and biotic comes to mind when I look at the image. The reason I took the picture of the athletic fields was because I felt a sense of belonging after my journey and experience to the center of the labyrinth. I felt like I had a sense of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be in the next 4 years of my education career. I knew Bryn Mawr was going to be my 2nd home because I found comfort where I was. One thing I liked about Bryn Mawr on my first visit was how green it was. I had never seen grass so green before in my life. It was as if the entire campus was alive, like it was a giant biotic factor. My image shows the interrelationship between all the keywords mentioned above. I guess I never really noticed the egocentric aspect of the image until asked to analyze it in terms of the keywords we chose as a class. I looked at it in relation to my goals on campus and how I see myself in it, rather than looking at it in relation to why I chose to take a picture of that specific area.