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Visit to the Juliet & Juliet balcony

Celeste Ledesma's picture

A stranger atop the Juliet & Juliet balcony

[Late posting due to illness and inclement weather]

My visit to Amala’s Juliet & Juliet balcony on Goodhart was somewhat of a dangerous one. There was a build-up of about 3 ft. of snow, so it was difficult to realize when there were steps and inclines. I had never been atop this balcony before so I asked a friend to show me how to get there, then I felt silly for not realizing it was so easy to find. As I was there I took in the view: the landscape was blanketed in snow and the sun shone so bright that the snow glistened, sparkled. As I stood there knee-deep in snow, I wondered why I hadn’t spent more time in this tranquil place. I think this one of the few secluded places on campus where I have been able to clear my mind. It seemed to contrast to my scape in that it the place I visit every week brings a lot of thoughts to my mind all at once.