October 5, 2006 - 12:13

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the commodification of evidence-based practice
Submitted by Anne Dalke (not verified) on January 19, 2007 - 13:34 Permalink
From my notes, what I found most interesting/helpful:
* given the height of human variability, there is NO GOLD STANDARD of communicable information
*the relationship between the domains of "truth" (knowledge-production) and "power" (control of access to resources, for finding truth) is a tight one, made tighter by the understanding that we NEVER (but NEVER) have all the resources/information we need to make informed choices
*there is always a leap, a guess between what we know and what-we-must-do (and this is what I think third-graders need to be taught...)
*given that some things are inherently more researchable than others, it is still important to work at "making researchable" those areas that have been thought not to be researchable
*"Do we make history, or does history make us??"