February 16, 2015 - 14:54

I think that posing the question of "why can't they all be magic teachers?" is incrediblly important but when it comes to finding answers it becomes far more diffucult. Dance attempts to identify certain aspects of Ms.Bronzic's teaching methods that make her a "magic teacher" but I don't think being a magic teacher can just be a formula or made common knowlage because it is so dependent on creativity and adapting to the specific situation and students that a teacher is working with. Dance identifies that Ms.Bronzic cares about her students and made it known to them that she cared but as the students Dance talked to stated "I think a lot of [teachers] care...they just don't really show it in the proper ways" (Dance, 76). Thus arises the question of what does it men to show it in the proper ways? I would hypothesize that there are a varety of ways to show students you care and it dependent on who the teacher is and who the students are. I would argue that because it is so diffucult to measure magic teachers instead of putting more restrictions on who can become a teacher, there should be a greater space given for teachers to be creative. Many teachers feel constricted by standarized tests and thier lack of say in the curriculum. Futhermore, being a teacher is a lot of work and can be very draining and tiring and creating greater support for teachers would help more of them be magical and inspire thier students. What I think teachers and schools should be required to do it learn more about the communities their students come from and deal with the questions of how to best engage and inspire thier students. Furthermore, schools should create the space for teachers to learn from each other and improve thier own teaching practices from observing and talking to thier peers.