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Thinking Spacially

nkechi's picture
  1. Rank the five locations in order of where you felt happiest
  • Morris Woods
  • English House I 
  • A laboratory in Park Science
  • The Campus Center Parking Lot
  • The glass staircase in Dalton Hall 


  1. What influenced your comfort level? Why did  you rank the locations the way you did? 

For me, how visible I felt in the last two places on my list made it more difficult to stay focused in the exercise. The Dalton staircase in general makes me uncomfortable to begin with because there's no hiding from the gaze of outsiders. The campus center parking lot does not allow for free movement, and is not made for pedestrians. It was comfortable in a Park lab because it was quiet and isolated and there were many things to explore and do. Morris Woods were definitey the most comfortable, as there were many things to explore, but also a sense that I belonged in that space, and didn't need to leave before someone caught me there. 

  • Rank the five locations in order of where you felt plants were happiest
  • Morris Woods
  • English House I 
  • A laboratory in Park Science
  • The Campus Center Parking Lot
  • The glass staircase in Dalton Hall 
  1. what influences the comfort level of plants? Why did you rank the locations the way that you did? 

I felt the plants would equally be as comfortable in those spaces in that order.  Plants like to be in their element, and really, only one of those places is their element.

  1. What similarities are there between what plants and humans find most comfortable? 

Humans and plants find it far more comfortable to be in spaces where they can grow as far and wide as possible. 

  1. What differences are there between what plants and humans find most comfortable?

Humans find a need to keep nature out of their surroundings in order to make them more comfortable. This could be becuase humans have a need to categorize and order other things in order to make them more palatable. Plants, on the other hand, just try to grow as much as they can, and while that can inhibit another plant's growth, they don't seek to destroy and subdue each other.