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Resource Page for Characteristics of Living Things

Grade VII Science Charcteristics of Living Things

  1. For a great site for interactive learning and interactive quiz, click
  2. For a site from WGBH public TV featuring Nova clips, click
    Click on "Is It Alive"
  3. Here is a site that has video clips from WGBH on different topics like immune system, mitosis and others for different age groups. Click

    Once on this site, you must do a search. Type in Life Science and click off k-2. Click on 6-8, video, interactive, image, and life science. Click search. The videos are organized in different pages.
    • On page 1-20, Click "Animal Defenses" and "Animal Hearing." View both with captions on.
    • On page 41-60, click "Function of Fever," "Germinator," and "Masters of Disguises." View all with captions on.
    • On page 61-80, click "The Mating Game," "Mitosis," "The Power of Touch," and "Single-Celled Organisms." View all with captions on.
    The assignment is:
    • For each video clip, write three observation that you think might describe a characteristic of living things. We will discuss your observation in class.
    • Bring to class an object that you think shows three characteristics of living things but is not alive.

  4. An experiment for students to explore their ideas about the characteristics of living things. Click
  5. This is a a handout for students to organize characteristics of living things. The document needs another column. Click

Grade VII Science Needs of Living Things

  1. This site will alow you to investigate a need of living things. (1)Click on video called "Animal Defense." (2)Click on video called "Masters of Disguise."
  2. This site will allow you to further investigate a need of living things. (1)Read the text. (2)Click on the video. (3)Answer the three questions in complete sentences. Click
  3. The two above sites gave you examples of a need of living things. What is this need? Is it a need that you experience? In complete sentences, write examples from your own experience to demonstrate how you met this need.

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