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Hummingbird's picture

I'm Hummingbird – a Serendip persona I've had for two years now, since my last 360. I picked the name in honor of my great-grandmother, who passed away the summer before Women in Walled Communities began, and for whom hummingbirds were sparks of brightness and joy in her otherwise somewhat monotonous days. The name was also appropriate for my identity as a Bryn Mawr student (you may have heard the E.B. White quotation on being married to Katherine White – a Bryn Mawr almumna).

An introduction of sorts

nbarker's picture

Not entirely sure if this is the correct place to post this, but let's give this a shot! I seem to have gone on a tangent, but

The avatar I've chosen to use as my online representation is a selfie I took at this most recent May Day, just before President Cassidy rolled by in a carriage with the Traditions Mistresses. This picture captures a lot of the ways I've chosen to owtwardly represent aspects of my personality, really an outward performance of more inner tendencies.