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portrait of villager

bridgetmartha's picture

in three sentences? michael is a man of few words but much passion. he loves raking, which made for a really lovely experience (see my other post); he loves sports, which made for solid conversation; he loves music, and I saw his big cd collection when he showed me his room; and he loves his woodwork. he showed me his workshop on wednesday, and gave me a chance to see a hobby of his that really keeps him involved with the community at camphill while also providing him with a space to really call his own in which he gets to devote his time and energy into something he cares very deeply about.

villager portrait

bridgetmartha's picture

this is michael's drawing of a baseball--some very important things to note: one, we are both phillies fans, so crisis averted; two, riva commented that the colors really bring this to life, and that the use of yellow especially makes the other colors pop, with which I concur.

camphill memory

bridgetmartha's picture

the first morning I worked with michael, we were on the dairy farm raking leaves. at dinner the night before, I remember that he was so excited to rake--I'd asked him about what type of work he did on the dairy farm and for the rest of the night he kept telling me how he hoped that we'd be raking. and I think it was a really great morning and a really lovely experience. working with him doing something he absolutely loved gave me a new attitude--even though I wasn't exactly over the moon to be raking (it's a regular chore for me to begin with, so it wasn't like I was doing something new like working in the weavery or pottery studio), it was easy to have fun when he was so invovled. part of the reason why it was so memorable is because it was so relaxed, fun, and comfortable.

Camphill Village Memory

smalina's picture

Although working with Sebastian was an incredible, and in many ways life-changing experience, the most directly transformative memory for me took place at a lunch at Kerria House. Sebastian, his house family (a mother, a father, and three daughters), Ina, Natalie, and two older villagers were present, enjoying a delicious meal. Gavin, the house father, was incredibly friendly and respectful towards the villagers who lived in his home, incorporating everyone at the table into the conversation and valuing everyone’s contributions. As Natalie and I learned, he had actually had some experience in working with individuals with developmental disabilities (unlike many of the other house family members around Camphill). 

"A Cast of Beautiful People": Bette's Failed Empathy and Intersectional Representation in The L Word

smalina's picture

“A Cast of Beautiful People”:

Bette’s Failed Empathy and Intersectional Representation in The L Word

Sula Malina

December 13th, 2014


“The point of intersectional analysis is not to find ‘several identities under one’…This would reinscribe the fragmented, additive model of oppression and essentialize specific social identities. Instead the point is to analyse the differential ways by which social divisions are concretely enmeshed and constructed by each other and how they relate to political and subjective constructions of identities”

Intersectionality Paper Proposal

abradycole's picture

For my intersectionality paper I'm going to be writing about the intersecions of sexuality, class, race and sartorial expression. By using the website Qwear  (a queer fashion blog) and this Autostraddle article which documents six queer women's styles and fashion inspirations: I want to examine how expressions of queer identity are stratified and legitimized in different ways depending on one's intersecting identities.