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When enough is enough

When enough is enough

asomeshwar's picture

In her post, Ariel said, “Humans are narcissistic, self-centered beings.” Although the part of the book that struck me is not directly related to this statement, there is a connection. From reading this chapter of her book, I definitely got that the way we (humans) view the world is exactly how we believe it to exist. We relate everything back to us because in our minds, we are at the center of it. The section that struck me, was when she started talking about the “sad man in the audience” who said that “rape seems a legitimate instrument against those who rape the earth (p10).” Regardless of the fact that using rape as punishment is abhorrent, the idea that humans punishing humans will solve all issues is selfish. It’s like hitting someone because they plucked a growing flower, or kicking someone because they left the tap running. Severely injuring or traumatizing someone is absolutely not a way to go about teaching people that the earth is something to be preserved, loved, and treasured. It’s more a way for a few people to show other people that they are more superior than them. It all comes back to humans being self-centered and wanting the world to revolve around them.


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