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What's in the box?

tajiboye's picture

Something that would represent us as a whole?

Even though Ive had plenty of time to think about somerhing that could potentially represent our class as a whole. I'm still not quite sure. 

I think anything that we have all contributed to, such as a writing on a paper (even with simply our signatures or maybe a one word written by all of us that summarizes our class experience this semester) or maybe somethihg more tangible like rhizome or braid to connect to earlier discussions concerning Harawsy Ghosh and Coetzee. Anything really goes. Even if it has nothing to do with our class, but it was something that the class wanted to be in the box, that woold still be a representation of us..

Going into this geocaching teach-in, I had hoped to integrate and use a craft project we would have constructed during other teach ins since I knew people were doing more creative, physical projects.

If it were up to me alone, I would put a matches box and a sunflower seed. I think those two represent how I viewed our classes went. When talking about ideas and subjects in these reading I felt almost like Anne was striking us like a match until we set the idea on fire and talked about it until there was nothing left. Also, a sunflower seed because the way I eat them, I just bite on them crushing everything around it to get the whole goodness taste in my mouth. It reminded me of how sometimes we would just dive deep into topics without the need to stop and always think about what the author wanted us to (basically not cracking the sunflower seed to see the perfect seed underneath, but rather chewing it as we wished even if wildly). For me, much of what I remember in class is how we would talk with each other about these topics. For me, the discussion and our take on it is the core of what represent us a whole, to me. I've never been in such an engaging "discussion-based" class, so 1. I  kind of get what discussion based classe are about 2. Discussion sticks with me the most, especially since so many people were passionate about their ideas and relaying them to the group. They would both fit in the box.