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A walk with love

AquamarineAura's picture

the topic of thursday was "restoration" but the word that came most of mind when I went to my site this weekend was "rebirth" 

we talk of collaboration, but this weekend I went about it in a new way.... I shared my site sit for the first time, and with someone special to me (my boyfriend)

this was his first time in the woods and it gave me a fresh look at my space as i wanted to show him every nook and crany. In this particular walk through morris I actually discovered a little creek I had passed by every time before. In three years of wandering there I never quite noticed the ring of stones surrounding the little outlet. while trying to show someone else the area, though, I wasnt just watching the ground on my way to the bench, I was looking around for new little things to show off. Instead of paying attention to my destination ( the bench or the graveyard) I was paying attention to the journey. Our route was circuitous, breaking far off the beaten path. For once, I was able to just give in to my ADHD and let my mind wander, knowing that someone else was there as an anchor to get me back to where i needed to be.

now my ramblings have wandered far off the topic themselves. rebirth. that's the word i thought of most. the leaves still carpet the earth with their transparent skeletons, the graveyard  is silent, no longer crunching under my feet as i meander from row to row. yet amongst all this old growth and decay, among the sticks that pass for tree and bushes, there is new life. there are buds on the sticks that didnt exist a week ago. there are snowdrops breaking through the carpet of leaves to show off their light colors as spring nears. the cycle is both ending and starting in the same space, the earth is decomposing, restoring, reliving.