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two ways or more

AquamarineAura's picture

I'm having a very hard time pinning down a single idea that I want to do so I'm going to mention several and see which will fit best within our groups.

my initial idea was to take a piece of text, run it through several online translations from one language to another, and then compare the difference between the original text and the end text. This could be looking at the structure of the grammar or possibly the meaning of the words and how they are arranged by the end of it. This could possibly be done offline if I can find enough multilingual Mawrtyrs willing to help translate. For example, it might go from english --> spanish --> french --> japanese --> english or it could even have more translations english --> spanish then another student take it spanish --> english.... take that version to a third person to translate from english --> french then a fourth from french --> english.


Another idea I had was to essentially end up with the same story or paragraph description written from multiple people (this would get different points of view as well as different writing styles). They would be given a photograph or a few plot points or a list of objects or descriptors, then be asked to write a paragraph explaining how all the pieces were connected. These stories can then be compared.