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Still Silence.

tajiboye's picture

Just as I was about to leave the campus center to go do my site, I was invited to listen in on a conversation two of my friends were having. Friend A was telling a recollection of tragic events that had occured in the past and how everything seemed to be eerily connected, but not in a comforting way. I wouldn't consider myself a fan of scary and thrilling, but I would say I'm very into superstition, conspiracies theories and really anything that is grounded in reality but in a way that makes us realize there can be outside forces acting on everything around us making them align in strange ways. Are these occurences actually coincidental or is there something else going on?

With these thoughts running through my head, I decided to just stare at the labyrinth, today. I didn't want to walk through it  because sometimes I'm afraid of the dark, sometimes I'm not. There was something about tonight that made me feel like something was going to happen. The fact that I still don't understand the labyrinth and that there is so much mystery around it in my head (why are the flags still there?) made it hard for me to find comfort there after hearing such a creepy story. However, this marks the first time that I've been able to just stare at the labyrinth and just think about it. Although it was cold, it was tame. There was a piano playing softly in the distance. The air stood right under my nose and it was that much easier to stand with it, like that when a butterfly lands on you and you try not to move so that it won't either. Most of the snow was melted so I was able to see the labyrinth completely for one of the first times, but it didn't really evoke any emotion out of me. It was just there, surrounded by flags as it has been since my fist visit this year. Unchanged. Still not understood.