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Site with a visitor

asomeshwar's picture

This time (for the first time), I took someone else with me who was experiencing a number of emotions. I've taken someone to my site sit before, but it was purely for photography purposes, not to make them feel better. This time, my friend had been having an incredibly rough day/week and I wanted to spend time with her in a place I knew I wasn't going to be disturbed by a crowd of other people. She's someone who has a ton of trouble displaying emotions and tends to bottle them up, so the fact that she wanted to talk to me and share something with me on her own free will concerned me.

After we talked for two hours, I asked her if sitting in the balcony made her feel any better and she said that both talking to me, and sitting in such a private outdoor location, both made her feel a lot better. It was interesting to see how my site affected someone else's emotions postively. I guess because the balcony is where I tend to pick through my own emotions, I enjoyed having someone else go through that same process in that place. 

She said that she might return to the balcony on her own because it's such a nice place to do work and be alone. That made me realize that I could most definitely start doing work there since the weather is going to get a lot better, even if I'm not 'required' to go to my site.