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AquamarineAura's picture

this is a retroactive post of thoughts from my site sit (emailed to anne on march 24th)

- morris woods was my first instinct/choice when I originally wanted to pick a spot on campus. at the time i turned it down due to the cold and ended up near park instead (which is more familiar and protected from wind) but now i'm willing to just deal with it in order to get that fresh air away from the buildings i spend so many hours in.
- my sense of cold is so different from when i'm in california... 50 or 60 degrees here seems WARM but at home that would have me piling on the sweaters. this isnt' a new realization but it still fascinates me.
- the east coast seemed to "pull a california" this weekend with the weather. I think of Cali as having super fickle weather that can switch from "winter" (typically rain and cold) to spring or summer (hot, dry) within just a day or two
- am i the oddball for actually wanting more snow? it's a huge contradiction because the snowy darker weather puts me in a low mood most times, but i still have a child like fascination with it when it's light and fluffy the way this weekend was.
- i love seeing snowdrops everywhere. they are the sweetest reminder that it IS actually spring. I remember wandering out into morris woods a few weeks ago and noticing a few green sprouts poking through. It's neat to see those little green nubs have turned into pretty white and purple flowers.