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Juliet and Juliet, part II

asomeshwar's picture

I decided I wasn't going to change my site because unlike a lot of the other sites, I found I tended to not have extra visitors. 

When I went today, I had to be a little careful because there was no way of telling where the stairs where and I didn't want to slip. Once I got to my site, I was happier than I had ever been there. I had been having an incredibly good day and even though the snow was shocking, I loved it. The temperature wasn't too cold and the snow was falling so softly and I was just happy. I spent more time there than I had originally meant to because I got a little lost in observing my surroundings and everything that was happening both inside and outside my head. 

I think I found that that my mood when I go to my site sit plays a huge role in how a view my surroundings that day. Usually when I'm there, I'm in stress mode so the surroundings seem peaceful but not happy. This time was the first time I was running on pure adrenaline and happiness so everything seemed beautiful and happy and filled with joy.