February 20, 2015 - 16:21

In order to preserve the original image I had of the balcony, I decided to revisit my site soon after the snowfall. The beer bottles had a light coating of snow and the cigarrets were completely covered up. I was so thankful that the site that I had been visiting in order to restore my mental peace was finally back how I had first seen it. My week had been sort of off since I was really sick (in bed) all day Monday and Tuesday. Getting outside and being left alone in the quiet was a needed period of time. I had been cooped up all day for two days and was so sick of my room. I stood on the balcony and breathed the crisp air, observing everything I had missed. I suddenly didn't mind that it was freezing outside and that I probably would be causing myself to fall even more sick. I just wanted to be out and about again.