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In agreeance with Caleb, Maddie, and Kolbert, I'm glad people are becoming more aware of the situation that we're in, but what exactly are we supposed to do after learning of our position? For most people, it seems like the situation isn't necessarily 'real' enough - in that there is no direct effect that would make them aware of the exact situation that the world is in. In the dead of winter, when it's still 60°, we all look to each other and blame it on climate change and global warming, but no one goes past that. People don't always think about the implications of their daily actions on climate change and how there are things we can do to prevent it from being so severe. 

Instead of thinking about how each of us could live our lives differently, people tend to think about how others could be living their lives differently. It isn't that I could live more communally, keeping in mind the people we live with. It's always they could do better. They shouldn't own three cars; they need to be more green.

While noticing what needs to be changed on a larger scale, it's always difficult to make that happen. At this point, simply noticing that change needs to happen isn't enough. It's gotten to the point where each individual has to get involved and actually change their daily routines to impact the greater community. I feel like for a lot of people, where we stand is a fictional story - like it's part of a story book and people should be intrigued and concered only when listening to the stories, but it isn't necessary for it to be on their mind when the book isn't open.