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"Get the story crooked": alternative forms of academic writing

Anne Dalke's picture

...are not just my wierd thing (just sayin'). See this recent call for papers for Disability Studies:

Disability Studies…fosters subversive communities that supplant neoliberal and meritocratic ideals of productivity, efficiency, and individualism with radical and collective forms of interaction and communication. Why, then, does this crip politic so often stop at the page? Why is disability largely represented, composed, and reified within disability studies through normative forms such as essays and monographs? 

What might it mean to break form and “get the story crooked” …. To stutter composition itself, creating “gaps, overlaps, dissonances and resonances, lapses and excesses of meaning” that de/re/compose disability in ways that cannot signify monolithically?

We seek submissions that engage in playful, non-normative, experiential, and experimental formats and that use such (de)compositional forms to create/explore crip knowledges, enactments, aesthetics, and corporealities…. crip offerings that engage with access as a central practice of creation, and as inextricable from the argument and aesthetics of the work. Possible submissions may include, but are (definitely) not limited to (a blurring, bending, or mingling of):    

aphoristic writing      soundscapes                    poetic essays                 multi-voiced articulations

diffractions      video art/poems           polymonographs                found artifacts

       hypertext and digital offerings               research creation    subvertisements

                         duoautoethnographies                        manifestos        graphic memoirs



                                             performances   cut-upsar.