April 21, 2015 - 00:12

I was thrilled that we were able to hold class in the cloisters last Thursday, especially because I had thought that the weather (sunshine, breeze, etc.) was perfect. However, around 3 I started to realize how hot and sunny it actually was; so much so that it was noticeably irritating a few, if not more, in the class. I hope no one was badly sun burnt! Because it was so nice overall though, we were not the only class in the cloisters. I don't know about anyone else but I was somewhat distracted by the other class, mostly because they were a large group and were moving around quite a lot. As is usually the case when we are holding class at a location other than the classroom, students were more inclined to fiddle with their surroundings. I noticed, however, that in comparison to the time we sat on the ground near the cemetery, students were less likely to fuss with the earth when we were just sitting in grass. I figured this was because there were generally more sticks, dirt, and rocks to reach for when we sat at the cemetery. I hoped the class didn’t mind going to a place that we had already been. I think it is a great place to be outdoors on a beautiful day! Honestly, if I hadn’t picked the cloisters, I would have wanted to meet on Denbigh Green, however, accessibility seemed like a possible issue. I knew for sure that at least there would be benches in the cloisters if anyone needed them; also, there is truly no shade whatsoever on the green at this time of the day.