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Be Your Own Valentine

Ariel Skye's picture

The snow was coming down in heavy flakes, sticking to my hair and coat like little pieces of cotton candy. I was balanced between two stepping stones, trying to catch the cold snow flakes and let them melt in the warmth of my mouth. My efforts were it vain; why is it that even in a heavy snow, snowflakes still find a way of avoiding capture? I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small chocolate heart wrapped in pink and red aluminum foil. As I was chewing on the cold, dark chocolate, I unfolded the foil, smoothing over Dove Chocolate’s personalized Valentine’s Day message with my thumbs: “Be your own valentine”. Thanks Dove.


It was serene once the snow started falling. Everything became heavy and tired, like time had slowed down. I followed the snow’s descent from the sky, hoping that it would trigger some deep emotions that I could speak to in this post. In truth, I just felt as heavy and tired as those branches weighed down by the snow. I actually felt pleasantly empty, free of my fears and pains, but also free of what brings me happiness. Maybe the snow just mutes emotions, blankets them along with the rest of the world in a shroud of white. I think I’d like it to stay a while.