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The arrival of spring through my emotions

asomeshwar's picture

I never really thought I could be so miserable and uncomfortable yet so happy at the same time. I had a headache, but I was happy. I had a fever, but I was happy. I had sore throat, but I was still happy. I was absolutely miserable, but I was happy. I realized then that my pain and happiness are not directly related all the time. That there were some things that made me happy enough to ignore the misery momentarily and forget that I was sick. I was so absorbed in the happiness that I forgot how cold I was because even though it was warm out, I had a fever and should have definitely not chosen to stand outside for a prolonged period of time. 

The reason for my happiness, I'd like to keep private, but it was thanks to a person. Just one. How odd that one single person can control how you feel? You have control over how you let that one person's words or actions affect you, but sometimes, you can't help it, and it goes straight through. Sometimes the actions are good, sometimes bad. Most often they're ignorable, and then once in a while, ever so rarely, that one person, will say or do one thing, that changes how you look at your entire day. 

The grass was greener. The geese were louder (but not more annoying-just chirpy). The wind was calmer. The stairs, more even. The flowers, in bloom. 

It's spring.