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Week Seven: Sharing Projects and Looking Back

Kristin's picture
You will each have about 6 minutes for a conversation about your mid-semester project. This is not a formal presentation; it is an opportunity to talk about work-in-progress with your classmates. Please give us a sense of the main questions or ideas that motivate your project and the methods & materials you are using to explore these questions. If you are including drawings, images, film clips, or other materials, it would be great to see an example or two-- you can pass things around, or you can project images on the screen now that ChuHui has figured out how it works! Finally, tell your classmates something you're still struggling with/trying to work out, and ask for ideas and feedback.
Please post on Serendip a reflection on an idea, question, reading, conversation thread, CCW event, or something else from our class thus far that you would like us to return to or that you would like to keep thinking about as the semester continues. We will not have time to address all these things in class Tuesday, but I hope your postings will give us an opportunity to engage with questions that we haven't had time to address fully in class.  
By the end of next week/weekend, please upload your project to Serendip. Remember that if you are including images or clips, you may need to spend a little time resizing, etc, before you insert them. (You can also email me a project separately if you wish, or give me a hard copy/material version). Before our first class *after* spring break, I'd like you to read/view one another's projects and comment on one or more, including one that no one has yet commented on.