March 23, 2016 - 21:45
Week of March 21: at CCW EXCEPT FRIDAY 3/24, WHEN IT'S CLOSED
Week of March 28: at Haverford: initial meeting place lobby of Campus Center, then visit special trees on campus and end up in one of these rooms for a conversation/workshop with Natalie:
Wednesday: Swarthmore Room, right side of the Dining Center in the back
Thursday: MCC (Multicultural Center), Stokes 106 (down the hall from our classroom)
Friday: MCC (Multicultural Center), Stokes 106 (down the hall from our classroom)
CCW participants will bring their own lunches; you can eat in MCC, Swarthmore Room, or if the weather is nice, outdoors
Week of April 4: at CCW
Week of April 11: Work on exhibition (at CCW or Haverford?)
Week of April 18: Install exhibition at Haverford
Weekend of April 22-24 Finish installing exhibition
Week of April 25: Exhibition is up as of Monday 4/25
Thursday, April 28: Opening Reception! Everyone Invited! (either 4-6 or 6-8)
Exhibition remains up until May 9, possibly until May 16