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Plan for Tuesday, February 9

Kristin's picture
Hi, everyone,
Here's the plan for next week!
1) As always, write some reflections on the CCW visit in your lab notebook: seven things you did, seven things you noticed, and some notes or musings or questions or sketches that grow out of these things.
2) Please read Kim Nielsen's A Disability History of the United States (183 pages).
The library has two copies of the ebook: this is the ebook that only one person can read at a time. (Well, two, because two copies.) This particular ebook is only available through Overdrive, so if this service is new to you, it might be helpful to refer to the library's guide to how to use it:
As I mentioned in class, try to find a thread that interests you-- it could be a particular form of disability; a particular intersection, e.g. race and disability; a particular question or issue--and follow it through the book. 
3) By Monday at midnight, please post some thoughts and questions about the reading on Serendip. We will use these posts to organize our discussion of the book Tuesday night. We will also highlight some questions or issues that we'd like to explore further. 
4) I will have lunch passes for you to use next week at the DC.