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Neurodiversity and cure

banana's picture

*I found this whole topic of Neurodiversity so though provoking
*This past winter break I spent a lot of time reading about the microbiome in the stomach and how it can affect our brain. I read this one book, Brain Maker by Dr. David Perlmutter, where it discussed cures for autism and other brain disorders. Of course during winter break when I was naive about this whole topic of neurodiversity, disability, and impairment I was like "Wow, this is cool." What if we lived in a world without autism? What if all brain disorders could be cured? 
*Now reading articles about neurodiveresity it makes me question, "Why do we need to cure autism?" If it's a natural part of life to be diverse, then why are we trying to cure it? What are we trying to erase diversity? Why are we trying to make people "normal"? Why are we trying to make people into this "normal" that is a "culturally constructed fiction." Neurodiversity is part of life just like ethnicity, gender, culture, race, etc. is. 
        -I think this whole concept of "normal" is fascinating. I always group people. I always categorize people. I am quick to say "Oh, he's (or she's) not normal." I think it's sad how that's part of my natural thinking process now. 
*I think the scientific community should work on improving peoples' quality of life rather than trying to "normalize" them.