April 19, 2016 - 23:02

Hey Guys! Here's the outsider science article we discussed in class today:
Also, in keeping with our conversation about medical education and disability, my mom got this email today and I just wanted to share that it seems like "house calls" are catching on!!!
Dear families,Susanna
Yale School of Nursing is committing to a new type of education for its student nurse practitioners: it has adopted Operation House Call (OHC) the first school in Ct to do so. This program was developed by the The Arc of Massachusetts. It is taught and run by families, and Yale would like to try it.
In OHC families teach medical practitioners about living with intellectual/developmental disability (IDD), by hosting a pair of students in a two hour home visit. The students meet loved ones, and share the important perspectives, and experience that the family can offer.
Just these two hours become "one of the most powerful educational experiences I have ever had" in the words of one of our students.
I am recruiting 40 volunteer families this April for a course that does family hosting between May and July. We need families who live within 1 hour's drive of New Haven and who have a child with a diagnosis of IDD age 0-20. I need to recruit soon, this April, to match 80 nurse practitioner students to their families!
Thank you for considering this. Join us as a volunteer family and give two hours of your family time to break down barriers to care and build our strong, informed, and compassionate medical community of the future. I hope you'll email me at peyton@arcmass.org. Thank you!