February 5, 2006 - 20:57

This isn't directly related to the recent discussions of purpose and determinism, but I stumbled upon this on the web and I thought it was too good to pass up:
Complexification and the gallery thereof.
I don't know how simple the algorithms are, or how emergent the phenomena are, but I think it definitely deserves a link.
Submitted by Kathy Maffei on February 6, 2006 - 13:51 Permalink
For this reason I distribute the source code of my programs in modifiable form to encourage life and spread love. Opening one's code is a beneficial practice for both the programmer and the community. I appreciate modifications and extensions of these algorithms. Please send me your experiences.
I couldn't find anything more about the programs online - I'll email him to see if he can offer us an example.another wow!
Submitted by BhumikaPatel on February 6, 2006 - 17:50 Permalink
Submitted by Kathy Maffei on February 7, 2006 - 13:08 Permalink
Submitted by Lisa Spitalewitz on February 8, 2006 - 14:12 Permalink