March 14, 2023 - 12:10

Hi! I attached a copy of my midterm below!
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Hi! I attached a copy of my midterm below!
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Reflections on this Amazing Piece
Submitted by MaisieS23 on March 14, 2023 - 21:14 Permalink
Great Job! I have always enjoyed reading Greek myths but I have never looked at them through a disability lens. I found your insights to be very informative. One idea that was new to me was how disability was accepted as a norm or common place and how standards of beauty were incorporated into the ideas of disability. I also think your description and breakdown of Hephaestus' story showed how his disability contributed to his greatness while others ridiculed him. I also thought that you did a great job showing how these stories reflected and contributed to how the society of the time percieved disability.
I was also so impressed with your knowledge of these Greek stories which built on images of these past standards and understandings of disability. Great job!
It is very impressive how you
Submitted by EmmeLaw on March 19, 2023 - 15:42 Permalink
It is very impressive how you used the mythology of Hephaestus to infer the Hellenic views on disability. It is interesting how differently disability was viewed by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Viewing physical differences as part of the normal divergence from an unobtainable ideal is so very different from the exclusionary view of disability that is prevalent in modern times. I find it really interesting how the Greeks viewed "grotesque" as being the symmetrical balance to the ideal. Overall, this is an extremely interesting topic and you did an amazing job putting it together.
Submitted by sarahmayer on March 20, 2023 - 21:13 Permalink
Hi Cecilia! This was such a fantastic paper and so fun to read! I've always had a love of the Greek myths and gods; they are so interesting and something I became very passionate about as a kid (and now I'm at Bryn Mawr :)) Anyway, after all of my hours learning about the Greek gods, I knew little about Hephaestus other than he was an outcast and a blacksmith. In fact, I didn't even know he was disabled. I appreciated learning about how the Greeks and Romans viewed disability and how our current society's perspective both has similarities and differences. A core part of their perspectives seems to be about the idea of symmetry, and it was more a beauty standard that disability fit into. Something else I thought was interesting was how it was more accepted and seen as normal or commonplace to be disabled. I appreciated your disclaimer and the footnotes you included as well! This was very well written.
Hi Cecilia! As someone who's
Submitted by kyhong on March 26, 2023 - 22:07 Permalink
Hi Cecilia! As someone who's really into Greco-Roman history, especially the pantheon, I thought your paper was amazing! Your explanations of the "grotesque" and the "Kalos Kagathos" were especially helpful in setting the context for the myth of Hephaestus, Aphrodite and Ares. Although I heard the story before, I never thought about how these concepts led to the creation of Hephaestus. Additionally, I also liked how by examining Hephaestus and the stories related to him, we can understand how Greek society viewed disability and how they may be similar or different than our society.
Ah sorry! I meant Celia!
Submitted by kyhong on March 26, 2023 - 22:09 Permalink
Ah sorry! I meant Celia!