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Paper Proposal

Florian's picture

            I would like to further explore the topic put forward in my first paper, and really investigate what the act of helping and supporting disabled people in the most positive, least damaging way can look like. My experiences at the Center for Creative Works have inspired me, but have also raised some concerns, the concerns I mentioned in the March 22nd postcard. I would like to do more to find answers to the questions I put forth in both the first reflection and in the postcard, as I feel that while the reflection’s questions are the questions of a complete beginner, with only a vague idea of what supporting the creativity of non-traditional learners/”outsider artists” looks like, and the postcard’s questions are those of someone who has more pieces of the puzzle, but they speak to the same basic, unanswered question: How can someone positively and unselfishly support the creativity of people with disabilities? Ulterior motives are real (I talk about this in the postcard); ‘savior complexes’ are real, and I want to learn how to minimize the effects of both.


alesnick's picture

I appreciate the thoughtfulness and self-suspicion here.  I wonder if one way to open up this topic would be to ask at the same time how to support any artist -- that is, to play with decentering or even dropping the idea of disability as part of the inquiry. Also, I hope and think you will find Kuppers of use here -- would you consider for example pursing the idea that a positive aporoach might blend activism, witness, your own engagement with the art-making . . . ?  I'm wondering whether the "helper" role is a limitation. What if you considered yourself (as you are) a fellow artist?