March 22, 2015 - 22:15

For the inquiry project, I'd love to look at sexual education across different cultures and countries. I would look at sexual education in the USA and then maybe Japan, France, China, Brazil, and Tunisia. This would culminate with a creation of a curriculim for sexual education that will hopefully bridge the different cultural embodiments of sexual education from these countries
This is a really cool idea!
Submitted by jkang on March 23, 2015 - 12:29 Permalink
This is a really cool idea! Is there a reason that you specifically chose those five countries?
sex education across geographical/cultural contexts
Submitted by jccohen on March 23, 2015 - 21:11 Permalink
David White,
This is a great topic to pursue, but you're taking on too much - how can you narrow this topic so that you can delve more deeply into what you're learning? Several thoughts: You could choose an age group to focus on, and also select fewer countries...and you might also choose an area within sex ed to focus on. Perhaps a way to start is to see what you can find by way of an overview - that is, who has looked at this question cross-culturally and what are they finding? This might give you a sense of direction within this large purview...