March 29, 2006 - 11:03

'The line between living organisms and machines has just become a whole lot blurrier. European researchers have developed "neuro-chips" in which living brain cells and silicon circuits are coupled together.'
I heard this headline on the way in to school yesterday morning and dug up this link to it.
Sounds pretty exciting.. but I don't know enough about neurons to imagine how they would intereact with the electronics. If anyone has an idea of how this might work, could you fill me in??
Also, I thought one of the pictures was interesting.. have a look at the snail neurons.. is that why netlogo calls them turtles??
Applications of brain cells fused with computer chips
Submitted by jrohwer on March 29, 2006 - 13:27 Permalink
Neurological disorders
Submitted by julia_ferraioli on April 3, 2006 - 12:46 Permalink