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Hgraves's picture

I feel as though the title that Ally chose, Respectable Eli, is very fitting for the author. Throughout part 1 of the book, even with the issues surrounding Clare's environment back at home, I never felt like the author was trying to gain pity from me. Normally when I read things regarding the environment, I feel as though the purpose of the text is to not only be informative but more so the sole purpose is to make the reader feel guilty about not doing anything to help. But, in this book, I didn't feel that way and that may be because there is a deeper meaning than just environmental issues behind the text. But the part that really resonated with me was the section titled Naming under the freaks and queers chapter. Clare does a good job on the breakdown in names and explaining how each one played a factor into her life. Knowing that words do play a big factor in the way people perceive themselves and how people live their lives, she doesn't let these names break her down. Instead she grasps the full meaning of every word being used against her, whether it having to do with her disability or her being queer and in a way she advocates in this book why she has a problem with them. Once again, I didn't feel pity but I did gain respect in her strength that she has displayed. Most people facing the adversities that she does would normally just give up, but Clare doesnt. And in her unwillingness to give up, I find her to be very respectable.

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