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As the World Burns

Jessie Zong's picture

As the World Burns vs. Collapse of Western Civilization

-graphic novel is more effective towards the younger generation because it shows through the visuals what is really happening.

-The collapse of Western Civilization may appeal as more of a novel for adults but i think the graphic novel really hits the center of the problem and shows what is really happening


As the World Burns:

-graphic novel and the use of visuals 

   -powerful representation of what is really happening to the world

   -seeing these issues unfold with these visuals provided

   -more engagement of the readers

   -conveying a more interactive and a easier understanding of the argument 

-Who could read this? 

   -the younger generation, not just college or high students but maybe even younger children

   -middle schoolers

   -we need to reinforce these education and awareness into the younger generation because we are the ones who can make a difference

   -if middle schoolers or younger children read this visual and graphic novel it will provide them a better understanding of the greater issues that are happening

showing them that though this may not be directly affecting humans, it is affecting the animals, environment and other species that are around us

   -“scaring” them but in an educational way to help them learn and be more aware of these issues

   -also presents small things that they could do to help (Bananabelle suggested); but also recognizing that there is a bigger problem that needs to be address

-Specific examples: 

   -pg19-20: using visuals to show that there is a water crisis and not only humans are affected but also animals (more sympathetic to animals when you’re younger) 

   -pg46-47: specifically the animal visuals; they may have heard that polar bears and other animals are going extinct and are living in harsh conditions because of global warming but it is more powerful to see the visuals and seeing that this is happening in real life instead of only hearing about it. 

   -pg50: “If it’s not in the room, it doesn’t exist,” I feel like this is a concept that many of the younger generation kids believe in because of the lack of education. And this graphic novel will show that even though this may not be directly affecting their lives, it is still happening in the real world. 

   -pg66-67: illustrating and really understand that these issues also stem from the big corporations and help conduct an early education for them about our government and these corporations