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Slipping Response

Cathyyy's picture

Slipping is the kind of reading that I felt really confused at the very beginning ,which I don't know clear about the federal flags and protest things, but later when the author refer back to the experiences in Brynmawr I found echo with myself.

Something that really touches me is the author's new perspective of 'slip'. Instead of ragrading it as the unvoluntary slippage, but also something 'into new thought and order'and we should 'consider the meaning behind words spoken in moments of slipping'. I like the idea that slipping acts as a signal to reminde people something could be go wrong and need to be reviewd. 

Some expereince mentioned in Brynmawr is also striking, as a chinese student, I also can't really find a sense of 'being home' in Brynmawr because it includes so many differnet identities and cultures. But the way that Pratt suggested to form a contact zone and the author suggests to speak more inclusively and openly can really make the Brynmawr community a better place.

I really love the article.