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Mystical Mermaid's picture

I very much enjoyed visiting each garden that we visited on Tuesday. I loved the fact that our tour guides were highschool students and that they were so knowledgable on their culture and were willing to teach those that were not. I also loved how close they were with their community and that they are one with nature and their heritage when planting vegetables and maintaining this garden. I especially loves venturing off into the garden and observing and picking a few of these vegetables because it reminded me of home and the cultural food that my family makes. Being just a couple hours away from home and not being able to literally taste where I come from makes me a bit sad. So, being able to smell these different vegetables and talk about them made me feel so much better and reminded me how excited I am for the holidays. I was so great to just be somewhere that is familiar to me. Honestly I'd love to spend my time there are volunteer with everyone there.