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Reactions about Norris Square Gardens

KatarinaKF's picture

I truly enjoyed the trip to Norris Square. It was a bit cold but it did not distract me from the beauty of the different gardens that we visited. I loved how each garden had a different theme and I bet they are even more beautiful in the spring and summer. The gardens felt like an oasis in Norris Square. I can definitely see how it can be a place of relaxation and peace in the loud, industrial area. I also loved talking with the tour guides about life in Philadelphia and their aspirations for the future. I found them all to act very adult and mature for their ages. I thought they were seniors in high school but actually two were juniors and one was a sophomore. I really admired how they had plans for the future with what jobs they wanted or what they were looking for in their lives. I connected very well with Daysha, who was the youngest in the group. She wants to become a lawyer and I think that is amazing. She lives right around the corner from Norris Square and she told me how these gardens are a safe place for her. I admire how strong she has become by living in this tough neighborhood and how she manages to have a positive mindset. I know that these three young women will go far in life and I am excited to see what they pursue!