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Notes toward Essay

Rellie's picture

Claim: The Collapse of Western Civilization promotes a more active government that regulates and controls the economy and therefore the climate but As the World Burns shows that the government is the problem and that corrupt relationship that corporations have with it are the problem.

  • “China, for instance, took steps to convert its economy to non-carbon-based energy sources.” (Oreskes and Conway 6)
  •  Corporations talking with president. “No, the problem is that aliens are eating the planet. Aliens aren’t supposed to consume the planet, Mr. President. Corporations are.” (Jensen and McMillan 93)
  • CEO discussing how corporations work with president.
    • President: “I understand how they work. I just didn’t think it applied to me.
    • CEO: “I’ve been told explicitly that it applies to everyone. Nothing – and they mean nothing – can be allowed to stand in the way of their profits.” (Jensen and McMillan 95)
    • The bird to the wild army: “We eliminated one threat to the planet. And now we’ve got to go after the other.” (Jensen and McMillan 218)
    • “…at the very moment when disruptive climate change was becoming apparent, wealthy nations dramatically increased their production of fossil fuels.” (Oreskes and Conway 19)
    • “China’s ability to weather disastrous climate change vindicted the necessity of centralized government…” (Oreskes and Conway 52)